Guide to Canadian Ministries since Confederation

Parliamentary Secretaries

18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29

Nineteenth Ministry

Liberal 1
22 April 1963 - 20 April 1968

Prime Minister
Right Honourable Lester Bowles Pearson

Parliamentary Secretaries
Position Title
NameService Date /
Termination Date
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture
Bruce Silas Beer   14 May 1963 - 8 Sept. 1965

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
John Carr Munro   14 May 1963 - 19 Feb. 1964
Hubert Badanai   20 Feb. 1964 - 8 Sept. 1965
John Carr Munro   7 Jan. 1966 - 30 Sept. 1966

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs
Ovide Laflamme   7 Jan. 1968 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources
Jack Davis   1 Oct. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of External Affairs
John Benjamin Stewart   14 May 1963 - 19 Feb. 1964
Stanley Haidasz   20 Feb. 1964 - 8 Sept. 1965
Donald Stovel Macdonald   7 Jan. 1966 - 6 Jan. 1968
Gérard Pelletier   20 April 1967 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance
Edgar John Benson   14 May 1963 - 28 June 1964
Lawrence Pennell   30 June 1964 - 6 July 1965
Donald Stovel Macdonald   16 July 1965 - 8 Sept. 1965
Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien   7 Jan. 1966 - 3 April 1967

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries
Charles Ronald McKay Granger   7 Jan. 1966 - 31 July 1966
Richard Joseph Cashin   4 Oct. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Forestry
Bruce Silas Beer   20 Feb. 1964 - 8 Sept. 1965

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Stanley Haidasz   1 Oct. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Industry
David George Hahn   16 July 1965 - 8 Sept. 1965
Donald Stovel Macdonald   7 Jan. 1968 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice
Donald Stovel Macdonald   14 May 1963 - 15 July 1965
Jean-Charles Cantin   16 July 1965 - 8 Sept. 1965

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Labour
James Allen Byrne   14 May 1963 - 8 Sept. 1965
Bryce Stuart Mackasey   7 Jan. 1966 - 8 Feb. 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Manpower and Immigration
John Carr Munro   1 Oct. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Mines and Technical Surveys
Jack Davis   7 Jan. 1966 - 30 Sept. 1966

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Health and Welfare
Stanley Haidasz   14 May 1963 - 19 Feb. 1964
John Carr Munro   20 Feb. 1964 - 15 July 1965
Bryce Stuart Mackasey   16 July 1965 - 8 Sept. 1965
Margaret Rideout   7 Jan. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue
James Edgar Walker   7 Jan. 1966 - 6 Jan. 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Northern Affairs and National Resources
John Napier Turner   14 May 1963 - 8 Sept. 1965
Stanley Haidasz   7 Jan. 1966 - 30 Sept. 1966

Parliamentary Secretary to the Postmaster General
George Roy McWilliam   14 May 1963 - 19 Feb. 1964
Alexis Caron   20 Feb. 1964 - 8 Sept. 1965

Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister
Alexis Caron   14 May 1963 - 19 Feb. 1964
Jack Davis   14 May 1963 - 8 Sept. 1965
Guy Rouleau   17 Feb. 1964 - 23 Nov. 1964
Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien   16 July 1965 - 8 Sept. 1965
Pierre Elliott Trudeau   7 Jan. 1966 - 3 April 1967
John Ross Matheson   7 Jan. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works
Hubert Badanai   14 May 1963 - 19 Feb. 1964
George Roy McWilliam   20 Feb. 1964 - 8 Sept. 1965
John Benjamin Stewart   7 Jan. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Registrar General of Canada
Ovide Laflamme   20 April 1967 - 6 Jan. 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Secretary of State of Canada
Yvon Dupuis   14 May 1963 - 2 Feb. 1964
John Benjamin Stewart   20 Feb. 1964 - 8 Sept. 1965
Albert Béchard   7 Jan. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Trade and Commerce
Jean-Luc Pepin   14 May 1963 - 6 July 1965
John Carr Munro   16 July 1965 - 8 Sept. 1965
Jean-Charles Cantin   7 Jan. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport
Jean-Charles Cantin   14 May 1963 - 15 July 1965
James Allen Byrne   7 Jan. 1966 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board
James Edgar Walker   7 Jan. 1968 - 20 April 1968

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Veterans Affairs
Chesley William Carter   14 May 1963 - 8 Sept. 1965


  • [1] With the defeat of the Government in the general election of April 8, 1963, on April 22, the Governor General accepted Diefenbaker's resignation and the Nineteenth Ministry assumed office.